
CX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

Father Christmas’ contact centreAICloud Contact Center, CCaaS, Remote Working, WFHCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, SupportWorkforce optimization

Looking inside Father Christmas’ contact centre

With the number of sleeps until the big day dropping fast, Father Christmas and his team are flat out getting ready for December 25th. Customer service is central to Santa’s success, so we trekked to the North Pole to find out more. After dodging the polar bear guards, we sneaked a behind the scenes look at the man in red’s…
Helen Billingham
December 14, 2023
Customer controlAICX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, SupportIVR/Self-Service

The importance of customer control in increasing satisfaction

A lack of customer control is one of the biggest gripes people have when interacting with companies. Endless call queues, long wait times for answers and confusing online information all impact their experience. The message they take away is that their time or query isn’t important to the business. This lack of control intensifies dissatisfaction and annoyance. It leads to…
Helen Billingham
November 30, 2023
Cloud Contact Center, CCaaS, Remote Working, WFHCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

How to pick the right CCaaS vendor

Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) platforms deliver new customer service capabilities, improving both efficiency and the customer experience. In a fast-moving market, you don’t want to become locked into a provider that falls short of your expectations. To reap the full benefits, you therefore need to choose the best CCaaS vendor to capitalise on the advantages offered. How can…
Helen Billingham
November 3, 2023
AICloud Contact Center, CCaaS, Remote Working, WFHCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

Why cutting customer service budgets is a false economy

Most companies are now finalising their customer service budgets for 2024. However, given the economic downturn, there’s likely to be more pressure to look for ways to reduce spending. Customer service is often vulnerable when enterprises look for places to make cuts. This may be because it’s often wrongly viewed as a cost centre rather than a source of competitive…
Helen Billingham
October 27, 2023
AIContact centre, Multi-channel, Omni-channelCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

How technology can improve the agent experience

Providing a high-quality agent experience benefits both contact centre employees and the businesses they work for. Engaged agents provide better service to customers, are more productive and less likely to leave. However, traditionally contact centres have struggled with the agent experience. Much of this is down to the nature of the job. On top of having to help customers with…
Helen Billingham
October 13, 2023
AICX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

Understanding the keys to proactive customer service success

In a fast-moving world, companies need to embrace proactive customer service to effectively address consumer needs. They must value customer time, minimise effort and deliver service seamlessly. How can they achieve this? Gartner’s Dynamic Customer Engagement (DCE) framework provides an answer. It aims to empower customer service to deliver the “next best action,” saving customers time while reducing unnecessary interactions and increasing…
Pauline Ashenden
September 21, 2023
Contact centre, Multi-channel, Omni-channelCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

The Rise of Omnichannel CCaaS: Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience

The Rise of Omnichannel CCaaS: Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience Customers, more than ever, expect an omnichannel experience. They want the convenience of being able to move seamlessly between different digital and human channels. One of the most effective ways of supporting this is deploying an omnichannel Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) platform to underpin current and future needs.…
Helen Billingham
September 15, 2023
Contact centre, Multi-channel, Omni-channelCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

On the Path to Customer Journey Management

Customers’ expectations about their experiences they get from brands has evolved greatly over the last few years. Understanding their journeys and keeping up with those expectations across every stage of the relationship are both critical to ensuring that customers have a great experience. How do brands do that? Well, by managing the customer journey, they can better understand their customers,…
Annette Franz
September 7, 2023
CX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Support

Meeting changing expectations around email customer service

Email customer service may not be new, but it remains popular. According to ContactBabel's 2023 ANZ Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide, it is the most used digital channel and accounts for 16.5% of all interactions - second only to the telephone in both Australia and New Zealand - and use is increasing. Therefore, businesses must prioritise delivering efficient, effective customer service…
Pauline Ashenden
August 24, 2023
Contact centre, Multi-channel, Omni-channelCX, Customer Experience, Customer Service, SupportMicrosoft

Why empathy in customer service is not enough

As consumer expectations rise, businesses are increasingly focusing on building empathy in customer service interactions. With agents handling more complex queries, building a rapport with customers is vital to reassure them, improve the experience, and better meet their needs. It may feel like a luxury to encourage agents to focus their full attention on the customer's needs of the moment…
Helen Billingham
August 17, 2023